This time you hired a 4×4 rental to drive across the country, there’re various road guiding set rules. Well hoping for the self-drive trip in Uganda, knowing how to find the best car rental deal is not enough but understanding the traffic rules that regulate road safety for all road users is a major issue to note about. Some rules and regulations may not differ from countries but requirements and implementations can sometimes differ. Driving anywhere on your own pace is something every explorer would wish, then need to know how to drive in a foreign country like Uganda. Not like some Arab countries where ladies are not eligible to driving Uganda limited by other set traffic rules.
Before embarking on your self-drive journey in the pearl of Africa should observe the following road regulations which are set to guarantee every road user safety.
Driving license
Keeping your valid driver license at hand qualifies one to seat behind the wheels for the drive. Foreigners should have a valid international driving license in English, for those licenses not translated should be accompanied by English translating documents. No car hire agency in Uganda which can rent you a car without presenting your driving license. In you self-drive always keep your valid driving license at hand to avoid embarrassments from traffic authorities. Driving any motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license is illegitimate. Meaning before you think of driving a car to any part of the pearl of Africa certify you’ve got a valid driving license otherwise opportunities to explore this diverse country on a self-drive are limited.
Minimum age
For any person to drive in Uganda should not be under 18 years, like any other country there’s minimum age considered where a person starts to drive. If you’re a foreigner seeking to hire a car for self-drive you should be at least 23 and holding a valid driving license worked for about 2 years.
Road driving side
In Uganda like many common wealth countries driving is at the left hand side of the road, if driving in East Africa it different because some countries like Rwanda drive on the right side, so it’s better to keep the changes.
Don’t use phone when driving
It’s illegal and penalized to drive while on phone, in most cases this has been one of the major causes of accidents in the country. It’s the most violated regulations and traffic officers are always impatient to score you with an embarrassment if found talking on the phone when driving. Using a phone when driving is very destructive highly can make you unfocused and sometimes makes drive off track causing accidents, if you receive a phone call park a side for few minutes to receive your call and later continue on your drive.
Car insurance.
No uninsured car is allowed on road, all vehicles should hold a 3rd party insurance and sticker are pined at the car.
Seat belt
Upon the safety of all car users, including the driver and other passengers should have their seat belts on throughout the journey. Some people tend to ignore this but is the best help to safeguard you in case of any accident. Whenever renting a car for self-drive trip ensure that all seat belts are in good condition to perform.
Don’t drink and drive
Driving when drunk and under influence of drugs is unaccepted and punishable, if drunk passed the alcohol level of 0.08% then traffic officers can’t let you any longer. If cover insurance don’t cover damages made under influence of drugs, you’re fully eligible to all damages made on your car rental if made when drunk or under the influence of alcohol.
Speed limit
Always try to keep time avoid driving to catch up with time. Following road signs indicates the limited speed almost in all tarmacked roads. When driving in busy towns should drive beyond 50km/h, away from urban centers not beyond 80km/h, on highways not beyond 100km/h and when driving in protected areas like national parks the speed is limited to 40km/h.
Need help especially during times of emergencies along the way on your journey, it’s easier reaching out Uganda police when you call on an emergency line 999. If it’s an accident still you can make it, you advised take photos at the scene of the accident covering damages of the vehicle. Make a statement to police about all the incidence and call your car hire agency.
Combination of the above guidelines and your driving knowledge will make your self-drive a fantastic trip. Observing them will guide you from avoid uncertainty on your safari adventure and highly guarantee the best experience.