Gorilla trekking this is a popular Eco-friendly activity that involves hiking through dense tropical rain forests to observe and interact with gorilla in their natural habitat.it involves walking on foot through steep hills, dense forest, and water streams searching for the gorilla families.
In Uganda this activity is done at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Virunga mountains of Mgahinga national park, which is shared between Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, for better planning and preparation one should pack these mandatory items and tools as analyzed below to have an incredible experience in the wilderness without any external and internal hindrance and discomfort.
In the natural habitats where gorillas stay there are certain insects like mosquitoes ticks which act as vectors and they transfer diseases to human, so for proper planning and preparation while going in for gorilla trekking, one should pack Insectifuge these repellent are chemical substance that repels insects from biting and stinging human body, examples include Deet, Permethrin neem oils to mention but a few .Once one makes use of the repellent is protected and free from insect bites and itchiness hence, enjoying a scratch free environment and the body is prevented from the bacterial skin infection and related diseases.
Tourists are advised to pack at least two pairs of Medical /surgical face masks before engaging in to the gorilla trekking activity, visitors should wear face mask properly covering their nose and the mouth, and should keep the other masks for reserve in their bag.
These masks reduce on the high risks of transmitting the communicable and airborne diseases like flue, tuberculosis and colds among others to the mountain gorillas as well as to the human beings, because these creatures are more sensitive to human beings. Current research made clarifies that we share 95% of the DNA patterns with them in order to prevent the illness tourist are advised to pack medicated face masks while going in for the trekking.
For an enjoyable gorilla trekking one should pack toilet tissues because it’s not easy to predict when to have long and short calls during the activity, when one wants to disposal off feces a hole is being dug by the tour guide or armed ranger, to act as a toilet so the tissue can be used to clean the private parts to avoid discomfort of using leaves in the wilderness.
Make sure you get a waterproof bag that can withstand the bad weather conditions, purposely to keep your personal items like phones, note books, binoculars, cameras, eatables among others safe during the trek. In case it rains or mist and mud surface they will not be affected since water cannot penetrate through the bag.
One should pack a light portable camera to capture any moment that happens during the trek, and make sure you pack enough batteries to change in case the camera shuts down during the trekking, because in the forest you cannot get where to charge from.
During gorilla trekking tourists are freely allowed to take photos and videos of any flora and fauna, they come across provided the camera does not reflect the flash light because it may scare away the animals. The photos and videos captured help to keep memories for the future and attracts others after seeing what was captured hence promoting tourism within.
Tourists should pack enough drinks at least one liter of drinking water and eatables, while going in for the gorilla trekking experience because at times it may take some long hours to spot gorillas in their natural habitat.
Tourist are given time to enjoy what they packed during the trekking in case they do feel hungry and thirsty, so feel free and talk to the tour guides you will be given time to eat and drink what you packed, make sure you always leave the environment clean as you found it, by not littering the place with your waste after use then after continue with the activity exploring the wilderness.
Tourists are recommended to pack sun glasses to protect their eyes against direct sunlight, and make use the sunscreens mostly those in location and cream form by applying it on the body, to avoid direct exposure to the direct harmful sunlight rays and sun damage to the body during the trek.
To visitors a wide -brimmed hat may look as something of no great value but it has many advantages attached, and highly recommended to be packed while going in for the mountain gorilla trekking because hats safe guard tourists face, neck and ears from direct sunlight in open areas, Hat also during the drizzling rainfall protection is ensured allowing trekkers to have humble time during the activity.
It’s advised to pack a light rain jacket or coat while going for gorilla trekking, because it’s hard to predict nature always at the tropical rain forests there are high chances of receiving rainfall any time in a day.
In case it rains tourist are advised to wear their waterproof jacket or coat, to avoid the penetration of water and are protected from the strong wind and the body is kept dry and comfort during the trek experience.
During gorilla trekking tourists are highly recommended to pack light hiking boots, that fits them well for comfort and easy movement because the floor at time it is slippery and muddy. These shoes protect tourist’s ankles and feet against any injury from the horny branches and bushes, provide warmth and cushion on the feet when walking long distance searching for the mountain gorillas in the forest.
These tropical rain forests where mountain gorilla stay its flora has horny branches and bushes, tourists are advised to wear dull long-sleeved shirts and blouse to avoid any suddenly injury that can happen during the trek ,and avoid extremely decorated and bright colored cloth of yellow, pink and orange to mention but a few, because these colors are easily noticed by gorillas, they might end up hovering all round causing great inconvenience in the forest so wear the cloth bearing it in minds.
Tourists are advised to pack light hiking gloves these gloves are worn for protection of the hands, against hazards such as minor bites, cuts and sharp object in case one falls down during the trek so there is insurance against any injury, as well as keeping the hands dry and warm mostly around the morning hours while searching for the mountain gorillas.
Tourists are recommended to pack thick socks as they are to engage in the activity, because they provide moisture and prevent blisters and keeps tourists feet dry during the trek.
For purposes of ensuring good health and safety measures tourist should pack portable first aid kit, while going in for the gorilla trekking exposure. This kit should contain items like cotton, bandage, razor blade, plaster, wipes, pain killers among others to be used immediately one gets sick or injured during the trek. In case the trekker has a special diseases like diarrhea, asthma hypertension among others, should pack their medicine and tell the tour guides in advance to avoid suddenly emergency.
Tourists are highly recommended to pack long pair trouser for when going in for gorilla trekking, and the most liked trousers are the one that can be tucked in to the thick socks to avoid vectors and insects’ bites while searching for the mountain gorillas and have an enjoyable experience in the forest.
These walking sticks can be got from the destination’s headquarters were briefing takes place and a starting point where the trekking starts from. One can hire or buy them at a given price according to the sellers although one can buy from any other place and pack them for the trek.
The walking sticks provide stability and balance while walking in the tropical rain forest since this activity involves climbing and sloping while searching for the mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.
For the better enjoyment of this life time experience in the wilderness, while searching for the amazingly Mountain Gorillas in the tropical rain forests one should pack these paramount tools and items as analyzed above, for easy navigating in the forest without any hindrance and discomfort come and have wonders up close that are so attractive and noticeable.